Mission Statement
Millburn CCSD #24 Exists to create a culture of learning that
inspires and empowers students to enrich our community.
Millburn Elementary School
Millburn C. C. School District 24
February 8, 2021
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Addition of Information/Discussion Items
- Information/Discussion
7:15 - Student and Family Privacy Rights
7:30 - Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfers
7:70 - Attendance and Truancy
7:80 - Release Time for Religious Instruction/Observance
7:100 - Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students
7:140 - Search and Seizure
7:150 - Agency and Police Interviews
7:190 - Student Discipline
7:200 - Suspension Procedures
7:240 - Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities
7:250 - Student Support Services
7:260 - Exemption from Physical Activities (Press Exemption From Physical Education)
7:270 - Administering Medicines to Students
7:275 - Orders to Forgo Life-Sustaining Treatment
7:285 - Food Allergy Management Program
7:305 - Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries * New
7:310 - Restrictions on Publications and Written or Electronic Material
- Illinois Retired Teachers Association - RECORDS REQUESTED: The name and email address of any certified staff (teachers, administrators, nurses, counselors, etc.) who are retiring this year.
- Remote Learning Update
- Review of Closed Session Minutes
- 2021-2022 School Calendar
- Registration Fees and Activity Fees
- Review Board Agreements
Return to Learn Update
- Future Agenda Items
- Audit FY20 (Board Policy 4:80)
- Press Policy Updates
- Revise Policy 4:60 Purchases and Contracts
- Review of Board Agreements
- Board Self Governance Goals and Draft of Revised Goals 2020-2021
- Phone System Update
- Superintendent Report
- Business Office Report
- Board Report
- Adjournment