• Mission Statement

    Millburn CCSD #24 Exists to create a culture of learning that

    inspires and empowers students to enrich our community.


    Location:  Millburn Elementary School

    Millburn C. C. School District 24


    Regular Meeting

    June 28, 2021

    Immediately Following the Public Hearing


    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Pledge of Allegiance
    4. Public Comments
      1. Public Participation-(Via LIVE STREAM LINK made available via District Website)
      2. Public Comment
        • Please use the link above to email the Board of Education prior to the meeting. Any public comment will be read by the Board during the public comment section of the meeting. Public comments will be received up until the beginning of the meeting at 7:00 PM on the date of the meeting, this being Monday, June 28, 2021.
    5. Addition of Non-Action Items
    6. Action Items
    1. Approval of Kindergarten Reconstruction
    2. Approval to Ratify Paraprofessionals and School-Related Personnel (PSRP) Agreement
    3. Approval of Classified Salary Recommendations
    4. Approval of Millburn Salary Rates
    5. Approval of Increase of .1 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Adaptive PE
    6. Approval of Increase of 1 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Nurse
    7. Approve the "Direct Placement Agreement" with Maxim Healthcare Services
    8. Approval of Increase of .5 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Media Clerk
    9. Approve Contract for Principal Ben Walshire as Presented
    10. Approve Contract for Principal Jake Jorgenson as Presented
    11. Approve Contract for Assistant Principal Kari Gedville as Presented
    12. Approve Contract for Business Manager Stephen Johns
    13. Approval of School Lunch Fees for the 2021-2022 School Year
    14. Approval of the District Consolidated Plan and Federal Grants Listed Below:
      • Title I - $43,285
      • Title IIA - $17,054
      • Title IVa Grants - $10,000
      • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Flow-Through Grant - $215,782
      • IDEA Pre-School Grant - $4,376
      • ESSERS II Grant - $168,326
    15. Approval of Appointment of District Treasurer and Approve the Treasurer’s Bond in the amount of $6 Million
    16. Approval of Fund Transfer Resolutions
    17. Adopt the FY 2021 Amended Budget
    18. Consent Agenda
    • Approval of Minutes
      • Regular Board of Education Meeting May 24, 2021
      • Regular Board of Education Meeting May 24, 2021 – Closed Session


                Retirement:     Carol Keller - MES Psychologist              2026/27 School Year

                                      Lisa Jazo - Kindergarten Teacher           2026/27 School Year

                                      Milica Trvobic – Bus Driver


                 Hires:            Lynne Schaefer - 1.0 FTE MES School Nurse  Pending Background Check

                                      Kathleen Fues - 1.0 FTE 8th Gr ELA       Pending Background Check


          Summer School

          Session 1:              Divya Dhanadapani - Teacher                                       

                                       Elly Martens - Teacher  

                                       Larry Souder - Bus Driver

                                       Melissa Welch - Bus Driver

                                       Jerry Wescott - Bus Driver

                                       Katheryn Kennedy - Bus Driver

                                       Brian Mellinger - Bus Driver

                                       Cindy Pederson - Bus Driver

                                        Kathleen Usmiller - Bus Driver

                                        Amara Mielke - Bus Driver

                                        Kathryn Gardner - Bus Driver    


           Summer School

           Session 2:              Larry Souder - Bus Driver

                                        Melissa Welch - Bus Driver

                                        Jerry Wescott - Bus Driver

                                        Katheryn Kennedy - Bus Driver

                                        Brian Mellinger - Bus Driver

                                        Cindy Pederson - Bus Driver

                                        Kathleen Usmiller - Bus Driver

                                        Amara Mielke - Bus Driver

                                        Kathryn Gardner - Bus Driver    

    1. Information/Discussion
      1. FOIA Request

    Preston Dedi - Chicagolandconstruction.com Bid Results/Tabulations or Award for: 06/09/2021 Millburn School District No. 24 – Asbestos Abatement at Millburn School (Lake County)

    Jario Gomez - Chicagoland Laborers’ District Council Copy of the Bid results (AS READ) from the bid opening on 06/09/2021 @10:30 am for the Asbestos Abatement at Millburn School

                     b. Summer School Updates

    1. Future Agenda Items
      1. Press Policy Updates
    2. Superintendent Report
    3. Business Office Report
    4. Board Report
    5. Adjourn to Closed Session
    6. Return to Open Session
    7. Action Items
    8. Adjournment