• Threat Assessment

    Before the pandemic hit back in early 2020, we established a Threat Assessment Team and developed new protocol for how we respond to students who present "harm to themselves" or "harm to others".  On August 26, 2019, Governor Pritzker signed Public Act 101-0455 which required school boards to adopt threat assessment procedures to address targeted school violence prevention.   Each district was required to implement a threat assessment procedure that may be part of a school board policy.  We had district protocol in place before this act was signed, but we needed to make important changes according to the details of the act.  


    Our team has met every year since 2020 to review our protocols and make any appropriate changes.  Most recently, our team met on May 24th, 2024 to make adjustments.  We are sharing this information so all are aware of the work we have done and also have knowledge of the protocol that social workers, psychologists, and/or administrators follow when presented with a threat.  Below are the links to the protocol.