
    Mission Statement

    Millburn CCSD #24 Exists to create a culture of learning that

     inspires and empowers students to enrich our community.


    Millburn Elementary School • Wadsworth


    Millburn C. C. School District 24



    April 23, 2018
    7:00 P.M.



    1.     Call to Order

    2.     Roll Call

    3.     Pledge of Allegiance

    4.     Public Comments        

    5.     Addition of Non-Action Items

    6.     Presentation on “SeeSaw” and “Book Creator” by Mrs. Reding and Mrs. Stolzer, Grade 2 Teachers

    7.     Action Items

    A.    Water Well Solutions (SUEZ) for MES Well Repair and Pump Replacement $20,000-25,000

    B.     Andersen Plumbing for MES Water Heater $16,000

    C.    Resolution Appointing a Representative and Alternate to the Governing Board for CoOp 90’s

    D.    Change June Board Meeting Date from June 25 to June 18

    E.     Contract with Stephen Johns, Business Manager/CSBO

    F.     Contract with Elizabeth Keefe, Director of Special Services

    G.    Contract with Jake Jorgenson, Principal

    H.    Contract with Bennett Walshire, Principal

    I.      Contract with Adam Rowlands, Assistant Principal

    J.     Consent Agenda

    ·       Approval of Minutes

    o   Regular Meeting of March 19, 2018

    o   Closed Session Meeting of March 19, 2018

    o   Committee of the Whole Meeting of April 9, 2018

    o   Closed Session Meeting of April 9, 2018

    ·       Treasurer’s Report and Approval

    ·       Bill Approval and Payment Authorization

    ·      Activity Account   

    ·       Personnel Report

                             Resignation:           Katherine Lafferty - 1.0 FTE Elementary Teacher Effective June 2018

                                                                  Meredith Frediani - 1.0 FTE Elementary Teacher

                                                                  Terri Zemaitis - .25 FTE Cafeteria Supervisor

                                                                  Alicia Nordigian - .5 FTE MBAC Counselor                   

                                      Employ:                Paul Ashley - Substitute Teacher

                                                                  Erin Ledyard - Substitute Teacher

                                                                  Sharon Weeks - 1.0 FTE Paraprofessional

                                                                  Lauren Dekorsi - .2 FTE Cafeteria Supervisor                        

                                      Intent to Retire:     Lorie Cipolla - 1.0 FTE Elementary Teacher Effective June 2022

                                                                  Cheryl Piat - 1.0 FTE Media Clerk Effective June 8, 2018

    8.     Information/Discussion

    ·       Summer Projects 2018

    9.     Future Agenda Items

    ·       iPad Academy for Parents

    ·       Auditor

    ·       IQWST Science Update

    ·       Newsela Presentation

    ·       Summer Help

    ·       Board Meeting Dates 2018-19

    9.     Board Report

    10.  Superintendent Report

    11.  Business Office Report 

    12.  Adjourn to Closed Session

    13.  Adjournment