Mission Statement
Millburn CCSD #24 Exists to create a culture of learning that
inspires and empowers students to enrich our community.
Millburn Elementary School
Millburn C. C. School District 24
Regular Meeting
June 24, 2019
Immediately following the Public Hearing
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Public Comments
- Addition of Non-Action Items
- Action Items
a. Approval of Amended Budget 2019-2020
b. Inter-fund Permanent Transfer of Funds
c. Support IASB resolution on equitable funding for Public School SPED placement
d. Approval to Purchase Arc Core Curriculum $264,150
e. Apple Professional Development $27,200 for 8 days of PD
f. Meal pricing for the 2019-2020 SY
g. Classified Staff Salary Rates for the 2019-2020 SY
h. Approval for Purchases over $10,000
i. Two (2) Color Copiers from Techstar - $10,200
ii. Replace Indoor and Outdoor Units for MES Kitchen walk-in freezer - $10,840
iii. Increase for STEM Lab furniture - $17,500 approved may 20, 2019. Cost is actually $26,648.25
iv. Bus Cameras
v. Classroom/Office Furniture
vi. Additional Low Voltage Wiring & Installation for Wi-Fi Upgrade
1. MMS - $18,895
2. MES - $15,050
i. Approve Annual Impact Agreement with Cottonwood Estates
j. Approve job description and increase in salary for Carly Kraft
k. School Treasurer’s Appointment and Treasurer’s Bond
l. Appoint Veronica Lynn Willis Board Clerk
m. Appoint Veronica Lynn Willis and Dr. Stephen Johns FOIA Officers
n. Approval of hiring Bernadette Hanna as Administrative Transition Support for up to 600 hours at a rate of $37.44 per hour.
o. Consent Agenda
- Approval of Minutes
- Regular Meeting May 20, 2019
- Closed Session of May 20, 2019
- Committee of the Whole Meeting June 10, 2019
- Closed Session of June 10, 2019
- Treasurer’s Report and Approval
- Bill Approval and Payment Authorization
- Activity Account
- Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes
- Destruction of Recordings of Closed Session Minutes Older than 18 Months
- Personnel Report
Termination: Scott Bretthauer – Bus Driver
Employ: Julie Hayes - 1.0 FTE Administrative Assistant
Emma Heelan - 1.0 FTE LD/ED Teacher MMS, pending background check results
Kayla Radtke - 1.0 FTE LD/ED Teacher MMS, pending background check results
Jonathan Welsch - 1.0 FTE Paraprofessional
Stephen Sikorski – Substitute Bus Driver
Summer Custodial
Kathy Gardner Patrick McMahon
Matthew Smith Rachael Speck
Larry Souder Dawn Swindle
ESY Bus Drivers
Kathy Gardner Larry Souder
Brian Mellinger Millie Trbovic
Melissa Ramirez Kathy Usmiller
SueAnna Scribner Melissa Welch
ESY Bus Aides
Caitlin Bethancourt Cindy Sodt
FMLA: Dana Booker - 1.0 FTE SLP Teacher, MES
Kelly Piekarz - 1.0 FTE Grade 5 Teacher
Michelle Krupa - 1.0 FTE Grade 5 Teacher
- Information/Discussion
- FOIA – Heat & Frost Insulators Local 17 - Requested the updated email address of FOIA Officer(s)
- The Agenda Calendar
- Construction Change Orders
- Preschool Playground Surface - $25,000
- Camosy Change Order - $14,749
- Purchase and install floor tile and carpet in Room 307 as a result of Life Safety Work
- Install base cabinet with sink in Room 307 – Existing cabinet was removed so asbestos floor tile under it could be removed.
- Add removable mullions to 2 new sets of fire doors (Life Safety)
- Supply and install sink in new cabinet in Room 307 – Life Safety
- Install larger glass window between STEM Lab and Blue Lab for student supervision purposes - $10,691
- Install Mortise security lock in 2 doors (Life Safety) - $3,142
- Future Agenda Items
- Parent-Student Handbook Changes
- Emergency Management Plan MES/MMS
- Board Report
- Superintendent Report
- Business Office Report
- Adjourn to Closed Session
- Return to Open Session
- Adjournment