Mission Statement
Millburn CCSD #24 Exists to create a culture of learning that
inspires and empowers students to enrich our community.
Millburn C. C. School District 24
Committee of the Whole Meeting
October 2, 2017
7:00 P.M.
Millburn Elementary School
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comments
4. Addition of Information/Discussion Items
5. Information/Discussion Items
a. House Lease Lottery
b. Property Tax Levy Update
c. Architect Selection Progress
d. Board Agreements
e. Two Board Members for Architect Selection Committee
6. Board Reports
7. Superintendent Report
9. Future Agenda Items
a. Completed Summer Projects
b. Adopt Property Tax Levy
c. Application for the Recognition of Schools
d. Emergency Management Plans
10. Closed Session
11. Adjournment