Adoption of Amended Budget FY16
May 23, 2016
7:00 p.m.
Millburn Middle School
The Board of Education welcomes you to the Public Hearing to Adopt the Amended Budget.
The following agenda of procedure for the Public Hearing will provide for an orderly opportunity for
each school district resident, who so desires, to have an opportunity to have input in regard to this topic.
Hearing Procedures
Generally, the Board President or designee will open the hearings with appropriate remarks concerning the topics. The Board President will then ask those residents in attendance who wish to speak to a topic to identify themselves and ask the Board Secretary or Board Clerk to record those names. Following the recording of all names of those desiring to address the Board, the Board Clerk will call those listed in order and ask them to stand and be heard. A limit of 5 minutes is placed upon residents for their presentation.
Upon completion of all presentations, the Board President will request responses from those Board members so wishing to respond to the residents’ presentations.
1. Call to Order by Board President
2. Remarks by Board President
3. Request by Board President for resident presenters concerning the topics
4. Board Secretary records names of those residents desiring to speak to a topic
5. Board Secretary will call names of presenters in order
6. Board Secretary limits presentation to 5 minutes
7. Upon completion of all presentations, Board President provides opportunity for all Board
members to respond to presentations
8. Adjournment of Public Hearing
Your continued interest in Millburn School is vital to the education of the communities’ children.