
  • Student Admissions

    Click Here for a quick reference chart showing the documents needed for student admission

    Non-Resident Students

    A resident student who becomes a non-resident student shall be allowed to remain in the District until the end of the current school year in which the non-residency occurs, tuition waived.

    Registration Procedures

    New Students
    According to Illinois law, physical examinations are required of all pupils upon their entrance into special education early childhood, kindergarten and fifth grade. Out-of-state transfer students must show evidence of a current physical examination within the past 12 months before transfer into District 24. All transfer students must present evidence of proper immunization and physical examination requirements at the time of registration. Dental examinations are recommended.

    Evidence of immunizations following current Illinois DPH guidelines must be provided to the school office by October 14 (or within 30 days of school entry). Students not in full compliance face exclusion until requirements are met. A list of current Illinois immunization requirements is available from the school nurse. 

    It is the responsibility of Millburn School District 24 to provide education services for all children in grades K-8.

    Special education services are available for all students between the ages of 3 and 21 who have diagnosed special needs.

    For students not requiring special services, the following admission guidelines apply:

    1. A child whose fifth birthday falls on or before September 1 of the school year for which they are to be enrolled, is eligible for attendance in kindergarten. The school provides a readiness screening program which is administered to all incoming kindergarten students. Upon review of the screening results with the parents, it is possible for the school to recommend an additional year of growth and development at home prior to entrance into Kindergarten.
    2. Admission to kindergarten requires the presentation of the student's birth certificate to verify the date of birth. A physical examination is required prior to the first day of attendance in the fall.
    3. Students previously enrolled in other schools in grades K-8 are permitted to enroll at Millburn School District 24 upon presentation of verification of residence within the district boundaries. Transferring students should present a transfer card from the previous attendance center and will be asked to complete a parental permission statement for the release of the student's school records.
    4. Physical examinatioins must be less than one year old. The physical examinations and immunization records must be received from the previous attendance center at the time of enrollment.

    Returning Students
    At the end of the school year, a packet is sent to the parents of returning students with the final report card. This packet contains all the forms necessary for registering students for the following school year. Required information must be returned to the school with the payment of fees by the date indicated on the packet envelope.


    Establishing Residency

    Any adult seeking to register a child for school who has legal custody must submit the following documents in their name as proof of residential eligibility to attend school at Millburn:

    First, please present ONE of the following items with their name and address  listed:

    • Current Monthly Mortage Statement or Coupon
    • Current Real Estate Tax Bill
    • Current Lease (Signed, dated, copy of monthly check or receipt of security deposit)
    Next, please present TWO of the following items with their name and address listed:
    • Recent Utility Bill (water, gas, electric, cable, trash removal)
    • Homeowners or Rentals Insurance Papers
    • Current Public Aid Card
    • Valid Driver's License 
    • Bank Statement

    Residence Change Within District Boundaries

    Any changes that affect the student's school records or school status should be reported to the school office immediately. Such changes include relocating within the district.