• Mission Statement

    Millburn CCSD #24 Exists to create a culture of learning that

    inspires and empowers students to enrich our community


    Location: Millburn Middle School • 640 Freedom Way • Lindenhurst, IL


    Millburn C. C. School District 24


    Regular Meeting

    January 28, 2019

    7:00 P.M.


    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Pledge of Allegiance
    4. Public Comments
    5. Addition of Non-Action Items
    6. Action Items
      1. Official School Calendar 2019-20 SY
      2. Renewal of Red Apple Academy License Agreement for 2019-20
      3. Hire Asbestos Consultant for Stem Lab
      4. Board Expenses totaling $1,381 for expenses incurred from Tri Conf., Chicago, 11/15-18/2018        
      5. Consent Agenda

                           1)         Approval of Minutes

                                            Regular Meeting of December 17, 2018  

                                            Committee of the Whole Meeting of January 7, 2019

                                            Closed Session Meeting of January 7, 2019

                           2)         Bill Approval and Payment Authorization

                           3)         Activity Account

                           4)         Personnel Report

                                            RESIGN:    Kathleen Keefe - MBAC Counselor

                                                             Morgan Graham - 1.0 FTE Grade 4 Teacher

                                            EMPLOY:    Joanna O'Brien - 1.0 FTE Paraprofessional MMS

                                                             Krista Malley - 1.0 FTE Grade 4 Teacher

                                            INTENT      Carol McGill - 1.0 FTE Grade 8 Teacher Eff. 2022-23 SY

                                           to RETIRE:  Jane Tabourot - 1.0 FTE Grade 7 Teacher Eff. 2022-23 SY

                                                             Catherine Duffy - 1.0 FTE Grade 6 Teacher Eff. 2023-24 SY

                                                             Sandra Jacobs - 1.0 FTE Grade 6 Teacher Eff. 2023-24 SY

                                            FMLA:        Janet Hoffman - 1.0 FTE Gr 8 Teacher

                                                             Meghan Edelmann - 1.0 FTE Gr 3 Teacher

                                                             Morin Chaumette - 1.0 FTE Speech Pathologist

                                          LEAVE of                

                                          ABSENCE:    Meghan Edelmann (16 days)


    5)         Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes

    6)         Destruction of Audio Tapes from Closed Session Minutes more than 18 Months Old

    7)         House Lease Contract Extension

    8)         Second Reading and Approval of Board Policies

    7:70 – Students – Attendance and Truancy

    7:250 – Students – Student Support Services

    6:270 – Instruction – Guidance and Counseling Program

    6:280 – Grading and Promotion


    1. Information/Discussion

               A.    FOIA

                      Illinois Retired Teachers Association (IRTA) – requests names/emails of retiring teachers

               B.    Fees for 2019-20 SY

                1)         Registration for Early Childhood – 8th grade

                2)         Student Activities and Clubs

                3)         Facilities Use

               C.    Languages (foreign, sign, etc.)


    1. Future Agenda Items

    Audit Report FY18

    Contract Extension for Joanne Rathunde, Director of Technology

    Reading Curriculum Presentation

    Architect Presentation for Summer Projects and Bids                     

    1. Superintendent Report 
    2. Business Office Report
    3. Board Report
    4. Adjourn to Closed Session
    5. Adjournment