• Regular Meeting of July 25, 2012

    7:00 p.m.

    Location: Millburn West School, 640 Freedom Way, Lindenhurst, IL 60046


    I. Call to Order

    II. Roll Call

    III. Pledge of Allegiance

    IV. Public Comments - Board Members will take presentations under advisement. No action will be taken at this time. See handout for speaker guidelines.

    V. Addition of Non-Action Items

    VI. Recognition

    VII. Action Items

    A. Consent Agenda

    1. Approval of Minutes

    a. Public Hearing for FY12 Amended Budget – June 18, 2012

    b. Regular Meeting and Executive Session – June 18, 2012

    c. Board Governance Review – June 19, 2012

    d. Committee of the Whole Meeting and Executive Session - July 11, 2012

    2. Treasurer’s Report and Approval

    3. Bill Approval and Payment Authorization

    4. Approval of Activity Funds

    5. Personnel Report

    a. Accept FMLA Request from Sarah Kilcoin-Johnson 1.0 FTE Reading Resource Teacher 

    b.   Accept FMLA Request from Randee Hudson 1.0 FTE Media Specialist

    6. Extension of Snow Bid Contract for 2012-13 SY

    B. Renaming the Schools

    C. Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes

    a. Motion for Minutes to be Opened  

    b. Motion for Minutes to remain Closed

    VIII. Discussion Items

    A. SEDOL Long-term Financial Planning Recommendations

    B. IASB/IASA/IASBO Conference 2012 Joint Annual Conference – November 16-18, 2012

    C. Budget Discussion

    IX. Future Discussion/Agenda Items

    A. Approval of Tentative Budge FY13 for Public Display (August 8)

    B. Public Hearing and Budget Adoption (September 26)

    C. Review Cash Flow for FY13 to recommend Tax Anticipation Warrant borrowing

    D. Changes for Parent/Student Handbook 2012-13

    E. Updated Builder Contribution Agreement

    F. Approve Food Service Bid Recommendation

    G. Set Lunch Price for 2012-13 SY

    X. Adjourn to Executive Session to Discuss Matters Pertaining to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.

    5ILCS 120/1 et seq.

    XI. Adjournment