• Mission Statement

    Millburn CCSD #24 Exists to create a culture of learning that

    inspires and empowers students to enrich our community.

     Location:  Millburn Elementary School


    Millburn C. C. School District 24


    Regular Meeting

    August 26, 2019

    7:00 PM          


    1. Call to Order
    2. Roll Call
    3. Pledge of Allegiance
    4. Public Comments
    5. Addition of Non-Action Items
    6. Action Items
      1. Report on Shared Services or Outsourcing
      2. District Goals
      3. Approval to hire National Investigations for District Residency Investigations
      4. Approve the MES/MMS Emergency Management Plan
      5. Approve the Parent-Student Handbook Changes
      6. Approval of Thought Exchange
      7. Consent Agenda

    Employ:   Melissa Olhausen - 1.0 FTE MBAC Counselor

                                   Austin Dacks - 1.0 FTE MBAC Counselor, pending background check results

                                   Sheila Cox - 1.0 FTE MBAC Counselor, pending background check results

    1. Information/Discussion
      1. FOIA – SmartProcure (Commercial) Current Employee/Staff Contact Information
      2. Special Education Leadership Transition Report
    2. Future Agenda Items
      1. Purchase of 3-D Printers
      2. Hunter’s Safety Class
      3. Cursive Instruction
    3. Superintendent Report
    4. Business Office Report
    5. Board Report
    6. Adjourn to Closed Session
    7. Return to Open Session
    8. Adjournment