District 24 Strategic Plan 2020 - 2025

  • Millburn C. C. School District 24

    Strategic Plan - 2020-2025


    The Millburn Board of Education engaged in a strategic planning process with the administration, staff, and community starting in the fall of 2019.

    The process started with the launching of a ThoughtExchange crowdsourcing question to the entire school community. The following question was launched on September 19, 2019: “What are some goals and priorities we should consider as we focus our efforts on the 2020-2021 school year?” The discussion results can be found at this link. These results were examined and used throughout the entire strategic planning process.

    In November of 2019, a strategic planning steering committee was formed to examine the results of the ThoughtExchange, examine the status of district finances, district performance, and the previous strategic plan results, and formulate a process for completing the new strategic plan. The steering committee included Board members, staff members, and community members.

    In January of 2020, the steering committee reconvened to establish a set of belief statements, parameters, and critical goals over the course of a Friday evening and a Saturday morning. The resulting belief statements, parameters, and critical goals are linked respectively.

    While the onset of a global pandemic in March of 2020 greatly impacted the immediate focus on the strategic planning critical goals, the belief statements and parameters established by the steering committee continue to guide Millburn’s decision-making process. We are thankful for the work that our committee of nearly 30 members of the school community put in to make this strategic planning a productive and useful process.